10 predavanja
310 minuta
5 predavača
Early Bird registration opens
Registration opens
Registration closes
Learning objectives
This course is aimed at senior residents, board-certified radiologists and fellows interested in cardiovascular radiology. The course is organised as an intensive one-day event and will combine state-of-the-art lectures and associated case presentations. It is focused on well-established and emerging clinical applications of cardiac CT and cardiac MR in both emergencies as well as in more elective situations. The topics covered in this course include a more basic overview about the unusual normal regarding coronary arteries, focusing on coronary anatomy and anomalies as well as an in-depth analysis of application of cardiovascular imaging in the treatment planning and follow up in valvular and aortic diseases. Additionally, the role of imaging in acute chest pain as well as the differentiation of myocardial diseases based in MR derived biomarkers will be discussed. The faculty consists of internationally renowned European speakers sharing their expertise in clinical radiology and in education as well as their best cases.
CME accreditation
This course is aimed at senior residents, board-certified radiologists and fellows interested in cardiovascular radiology. The course is organised as an intensive one-day event and will combine state-of-the-art lectures and associated case presentations. It is focused on well-established and emerging clinical applications of cardiac CT and cardiac MR in both emergencies as well as in more elective situations. The topics covered in this course include a more basic overview about the unusual normal regarding coronary arteries, focusing on coronary anatomy and anomalies as well as an in-depth analysis of application of cardiovascular imaging in the treatment planning and follow up in valvular and aortic diseases. Additionally, the role of imaging in acute chest pain as well as the differentiation of myocardial diseases based in MR derived biomarkers will be discussed. The faculty consists of internationally renowned European speakers sharing their expertise in clinical radiology and in education as well as their best cases.
from normal to pathological – the unusual normal.C. Loewe, Vienna/AT
from normal to pathological – the usual abnormal / pathology
R. Salgado, Antwerp/BE
planning and follow up of minimal invasive valvular repair
R. Salgado, Antwerp/BE
planning and follow up of minimal invasive aortic repair
A. Redheuil, Paris/FR
Congress Registration Fees
Oral Presentation or Workshop-
Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentation. Snacks, tea/coffee and lunch
Congress Attendee and Listener-
Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentation. Snacks, tea/coffee and lunch
raduation or Post Graduation-
Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentation. Snacks, tea/coffee and lunch
Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze
Sponsor WPC-2022 to promote your company brand to industry leaders, develop collaborative partnerships and business leads. We have Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels of sponsorship package.
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